Book Series: Bulletin of Medical and Clinical Research is free open access, peer reviewed international online Book Series, which covers new issues and developments in all aspects of general & scientific medical research and clinical practice.
The Series publishes original articles, review articles, commentary, editorials and case reports describing original research in the fields of general & scientific medical research and clinical practice.

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Submission Deadline: 25th September 2021
Acceptance: 30th September 2021new.gif



Books indexed as follows


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Areas those are covered but not limited to:

Addiction Therapy
Adolescent health
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Alternative Medicine
Animal Models
Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies
Artificial Cells
Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases
Blood Disorders
Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Breast surgery
Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Translational Oncology
Cases from Practice
Clinical and Experimental Allergy, Dermatology
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Pathology
Clinical and Experimental Optometry
Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, Otolaryngology
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
Clinical Anesthesiology, Anesthesia
Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, Biomechanics
Clinical Cardiology
Clinical Child Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry
Clinical Chiropractic
Clinical Densitometry
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Clinical Epidemiology
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Clinical Genetics and Hematology
Clinical Hypertension, Applied Thrombosis
Clinical Interventions in Aging
Clinical Laboratory Analysis
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics
Clinical Lipidology
Clinical Metastasis, Apheresis
Clinical Microbiology, Antimicrobials, and Infectious Diseases
Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Clinical Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology, Neuroradiology, Neuroscience
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Oral Investigations
Clinical Orthopaedics, Clinical Pathology and Molecular Pathology
Clinical Periodontology
Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Clinical Physiology, Clinical Imaging and Functional Imaging
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health
Clinical Radiology
Clinical Rehabilitation
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
Clinical Respiratory
Clinical RheumatologyClinical Sleep Medicine
Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice
Clinical Therapeutics and Clinical Trials
Clinical Transplantation, Clinical Ultrasound
Clinical Virology
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Diabetes Research, Hereditary Cancer and Clinical Practice
Emergency Medicine
Experimental Medicine
Evidence-based Medicine
Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Forensic Medicine
Gene Therapy
Genomic Medicine
General Surgery
GI Surgery
Health Education
History of Medicine
Integrative Medicine
Internal medicine
Minimal Invasive Surgery
Mycobacterial Diseases
Neurophysiology and Brain Research
Oral Health
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Psychiatry in Clinical Practice
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
Translational Medicine
Treatment of Trauma
Tropical Medicine
Veterinary Clinical Pathology


Author benefits

Publishing with us is great for many reasons

  • P-ISBN & E-ISBN - Books will be published with electronic ISBN and print ISBN
  • DOI No - Individual DOI to each chapter and overall book
  • Indexing – Google Scholar and Crossref. All the published books will be suggested to both Scopus and Web of Science
  • Open Access - All books are published free of access to everybody, worldwide
  • Support the community - The chapters and books will be published in an open mode and so that it may gain more visibility and may attract many readers from the same filed throughout the world. Because our books are free to everyone, more people access and which increase your citation count
  • Help researchers - by publishing your book with us you support the scientific community and enable young scientists to read your work
  • Processing Fees$ 50 USD
  • No Page limit - For books, there are no page limits
  • Analytics: You can check your book and chapter views and citations
  • Support the community- disseminating knowledge and distribution their knowledge by market focused to our readers worldwide