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Published: 12-16-2021

Anorexia nervosa and purgative-type bulimia nervosa: a fundamental role of the dental surgeon in diagnosis and treatment

University Center North Paulista (Unorp) - Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil / Post graduate and continuing education (Unipos), Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
University Center North Paulista (Unorp) - Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil / Post graduate and continuing education (Unipos), Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
University Center North Paulista (Unorp) - Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil / Post graduate and continuing education (Unipos), Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Bulimia nervosa Anorexia nervosa Dental erosion Perimolysis Oral health Dental Care


Introduction: In a world where appearance is considered above all by most people. It is in this unbridled search that some people end up acquiring eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa and purgative-type bulimia nervosa are diseases that are rarely taken into account in the first clinical assessment of the patient. Bulimia nervosa and Anorexia nervosa are eating disorder that causes serious physiological problems in the oral cavity, due to saliva calcification caused by frequent vomiting. Objective: it was to bring into discussion, through a literature review, the meticulous look that the dental surgeon must-have when performing the clinical examination and that he can be the first source in detecting signs of eating disorders and their clinical manifestations in the patient and so can forwards it to a multidisciplinary team for better diagnosis and treatment. Methods: This study followed an integrated literature review model and articles dating from 2001 to 2021 in English and Portuguese were selected. In virtual databases such as Scielo and PubMed. Results and Conclusion: The dental surgeon plays an important role in the team, controlling the development and progression of oral manifestations. Pass the oral hygiene guidelines, apply substances that can control the acids that are present in oral fluids; use salivary substitutes that can help reduce erosive wear. And always encourage this patient to come back for treatment. In extreme cases of damage to the dental structure, functional and anatomical, restorative or rehabilitative treatment is chosen. Recover form, function, esthetics and eliminate hypersensitivity and facilitate cleaning. The dental surgeon must be able to assess and diagnose the manifestations arising from eating disorders. Because it is the first professional to be able to detect and thus refer to a team of multi-professionals such as a psychologist, nutritionist, doctor and manage to perform the best possible treatment simultaneously and, through preventive and rehabilitative procedures, be able to return a better quality of life to the patient.


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How to Cite

Martins, A. M., Rodrigues, I. O., & Fernandes, P. G. (2021). Anorexia nervosa and purgative-type bulimia nervosa: a fundamental role of the dental surgeon in diagnosis and treatment. MedNEXT Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2(5).