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Case Report
Published: 10-28-2022

Incisional hernia of giant abdominal wall: a case report

General Surgery at Hospital Padre Albino, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
FAMECA - Faculty of Medicine of Catanduva/Centro Universitário Padre Albino (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
General Surgery, Hospital São Domingos, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
General Surgery at Hospital Padre Albino, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
FAMECA - Faculty of Medicine of Catanduva/Centro Universitário Padre Albino (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
FAMECA - Faculty of Medicine of Catanduva/Centro Universitário Padre Albino (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá, Medicine Course, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
General Surgery at Hospital Padre Albino, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí, Faculty of Medicine, Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil
General Surgery, Hospital São Domingos, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
General Surgery at Hospital Padre Albino, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
FAMECA - Faculty of Medicine of Catanduva/Centro Universitário Padre Albino (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
Incisional hernia compartment syndrome Herniorrhaphy


Incisional hernia results from inadequate healing in the area of an operative incision and its diagnosis is clinical or imaging. Complex incisional hernias are difficult to treat and have complications, especially compartment syndrome. Thus, technical care in closing incisions in primary surgeries reduces the risk of developing an incisional hernia. Therefore, the study aimed to present a case report of a patient who performed the present correction of a giant incisional hernia with a double-sided mesh.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, B. M. de, Ferro, C. A., Carvalho, E. P. de, Cadamuro, F. M., Domingos, J. P. P., Righini, L. R., Cadamuro, L. M., Criscuolo Filho, L. F., Vivi, M. C. F., Oliveira, M. S. P. de, Rodrigues, T. F., & Vivi, A. A. G. . (2022). Incisional hernia of giant abdominal wall: a case report. MedNEXT Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 3(4).