COVID-19 (Sars-COV 2), a disease known worldwide, began in the city of Wuhan, China, and was transmitted through inhalation, ingestion, and/or direct contact with the virus. Due to the pandemic situation, new studies are being carried out on the relationship between COVID-19 and dentistry. In this way, the objective of the study was to carry out a literature review on the relationship between periodontal disease and COVID-19, and how problems in the oral cavity can interfere with the prognosis of patients hospitalized for the disease. It was then concluded that there is a relationship between periodontal disease and COVID-19 and that periodontitis causes COVID-19 cases to be more severe and cause greater sequelae than in patients with healthy gums. It also emphasizes that the dentist, as well as professionals who are on the front line in the care of patients with COVID-19, should be aware of the measures to remove bacterial plaque and oral hygiene, to minimize the sequelae caused to the patient. As COVID-19 is a new and understudied subject, more studies should be developed to confirm the findings of this study.
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