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Published: 08-29-2022

Arboviroses notification in Brazil in the COVID 19 pandemic

FACERES - Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
FACERES - Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
FACERES - Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
FACERES - Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
FACERES - Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
FACERES - Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Arboviruses COVID-19 Epidemiologic studies


Introduction: During tha Sars-Cov-2 pandemic the focus was the COVID-19, but what about other disease? In this way, our study shows what happen to the arbovirus’s notifications. Objective: Analyze the record of notifications of arboviruses during the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic in 2020 in Brazil and compared with notifications occurred in between 2015 to 2020. Methods: Through a descriptive and epidemiological study, the data was collected in DATASUS BRASIL, INMET and CPTEC databases. Results: The drop in the notification of arbovirus cases in 2020 was proven, linked to the predominance of compulsory notifications of Dengue in the first half of 2020; this data confirms the seasonality of the occurrence of dengue. Similarly, Zika virus cases had a higher percentage of notifications in the first half of the year, contrasting with previous data. In addition to the persistence of the highest incidence of cases in the early months of 2020, Chikungunya notifications showed a constant percentage incident from 2017 to 2019, data on rainfall from 2015 to 2019 indicated low levels in the month of January compared to previous years, while in the month of 2020 a considerable increase of precipitation anomalies. Conclusion: Compared to previous years, the data show a considerable drop in arbovirus reports during the period of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic in 2020. To establish more clearly the correlation between low arbovirus reporting and the COVID pandemic -19 it is necessary to carry out further studies.


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How to Cite

Ferrari, N., Santos, M. G. de O., Moraes, L. P., Dadona, M. J. de O., Iembo, T., & Cursino, L. M. L. (2022). Arboviroses notification in Brazil in the COVID 19 pandemic. MedNEXT Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 3(3).