Introduction: According to National Cancer Institute, a total of 16,290 new cases of oral cancer are estimated in Brazil in 2017, with 12,370 new cases of oral cavity cancer in men and 4,010 in women corresponding to an estimated risk of 11.54 cases new for every 100 thousand men and 3.92 for each 100 thousand women. In this sense, oral cancer therapy is associated with a multitude of head and neck sequelae including hyposalivation, increased risk of tooth decay, osteoradionecrosis of the jaw, radiation fibrosis syndrome, mucositis, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, dysgeusia, dysphagia, mucosal lesions, trismus, and infections. Objective: The present study addressed the main considerations about maxillofacial cancer and possible treatments based on the literary findings through a narrative and integrative review. Methods: Clinical studies with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis were included, following the rules of the systematic review-PRISMA. Results and Conclusion: A total of 86 articles were found involving "Bucomaxillofacial Treatment in Cancer Patients". A total of 29 articles were evaluated in full, and 24 were included and discussed in this study. Oral cancer or oral carcinoma is a chronic, complex, multifactorial pathology resulting from the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that leads to an imbalance in the process of cell proliferation and growth control. There is an association between periodontal disease, nutritional status parameters, and antimicrobial protein levels, in the case of erythroplakia, 70.0 % to 95.0 % of these lesions are cancerous at the time of initial biopsy or will progress to cancer. In invasive squamous cell carcinoma, cancer cells have penetrated deeper layers of the oral cavity and oropharynx. Therefore, preparing a comprehensive treatment plan for cancer patients is essential to help minimize the risks of developing these oral and dental complications. In addition, dentists should consider a patient's ongoing cancer therapy for those patients who come to the dentist while receiving cancer treatment.
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